Every Child. One Voice.
3200 Lockwood Boulevard, Oviedo, FL 32765
PRESIDENT - the president presides over all executive board and general meetings. Coordinates the recruiting of officers and committees; communicates duties and or needs to board members and committee members. Manages and executes timelines of all programs for the current year. The president will work closely with the principal, attend school sponsored events, and attend county and state functions with principal or in place of principal. The president will coordinate with the administration the calendar of monthly PTA events. Notifies the Board of upcoming meetings and creates agenda. Training is required. (commitment is high and requires summer involvement).
1ST VICE- PRESIDENT - PROGRAMS - acts as aide to the president and performs the duties of the president in the event of the president's absence. Supports president in attendance at school functions and attends state and county functions in the president's absence. Shall be responsible for all PTA sponsored programs; and shall assume the role of president in the event the President cannot fulfill his/her duties. Manage the following committees: Hospitality, Reflections, 5Th grade party, and Red Ribbon week. (commitment requires summer involvement)
2ND VICE-PRESIDENT-WAYS AND MEANS – shall be responsible for managing all PTA sponsored fundraising activities and the following committees: Basket Bonanza, Box Tops, Spirit and Restaurant nights and shall assume the role of President in the event the 1st Vice President of Programs cannot fulfill the duties of the President. .(commitment requires summer involvement)
TREASURER - acts as custodian to all PTA funds; maintains accurate accounts of the budgets; distribute checks, makes deposits of all income; prepares a statement to present to the board monthly and for the general meetings and prepares for annual audit. Training is required.
RECORDING SECRETARY- records minutes of all executive board meetings and general PTA meetings; provides detailed minutes to all board members for approval by or at next meeting; Substitute for corresponding secretary upon request. Passes out board and committee position binder at the beginning of the year and collect them at the end of the year.
Keeping the Bylaws and The Standing Rules current and up to date. Training is required.
CORRESPONDING SECRETARY - Responsible for writing, editing and soliciting articles to fill monthly newsletter; and will print after approval by principal. Updating PTA website, Facebook sites of events or programs. Substitute for recording secretary upon request. Recruit and manage social media chair for PTA.
All committees are responsible for recruiting volunteers for your activities and events
utilizing all PTA Board and committee members. Also you are required to volunteer at major events designated by the President.
BUSINESS PARTNERS- is a liaison for Carillon PTA and the community. Actively solicits businesses for a partnership. Maintains the Business Partner brochure with approval of the principal. Is responsible for maintaining the relationship and to ensure Business Partners ae invited to events based on their levels. Must ensure all Business Partners are receiving their benefits, High commitment for summer involvement.
DIVIDEND COORDINATOR – Maintain a master list of volunteers for various committees and special projects; initiate telephone calls or emails to potential volunteers; help to match volunteers with appropriate job to match their schedules & talents. Coordinator is responsible for dividend appreciation and producing name tags for dividends.
HOSPITALITY – coordinates the following: within an approved budget provided by PTA.
welcome back luncheon and or breakfast
Teacher appreciation week in May;
Bereavement - send a sympathy card to staff member for the loss of an immediate family member
Baby/wedding –send a card
Purchase a gif for school staff member with at least 3 years of service to Carillon
Resource officer and crossing guards-purchase a small gift value at $10.00 for each in December and end of the year.
Birthday-acknowledge all staff members of Carillon for their birthday. List to be obtained through PTA president. (Within an approved budget)
Donuts for dads / munchkins for mom
Dividend breakfast
Teach In
Light snacks
MEMBERSHIP – coordinates drive to obtain members; maintains records; submits paperwork to Treasurer for payment; tracks information to apply for state and national PTA awards. Attends school events to increase membership such as welcome back luncheon and meet the teacher. Maintains records and creates a data base for membership. Prepare membership cards for purchase. Will create promotions throughout the school year to promote membership.
REFLECTIONS/CULTURAL ARTS – Coordinates the PTA Reflections Program and Arts Alive program with Seminole County. Attends county training. Can include coordinating an Art night to promote Art/Reflections program. Prepares and submits all entries for judging in compliance with SCPS rules. Attend training provided by the county.
ROOM PARENT COORDINATOR – Coordinates assignment of room parents for each class; reminds the representatives of upcoming events, teacher appreciation, parties and activities. Coordinates a meeting for all representatives and provides a folder of rules, regulations, sample forms and general PTA information.
SAC LIAISON – The SAC Liaison attends the meetings of both the PTA Board and the SAC and reports to both on the activities of the other so that efforts to benefit Carillon students.
TEACHER REPRESENTATIVE - Teacher liaison shall:
Be appointed by the principal;
Be responsible for attending executive board and regular meetings
Serve as a communication link between faculty, staff and PTA;
Solicit staff input when requested.
5TH GRADE PARTY COORDINATOR – recruit a committee of parents to help coordinate an end of year party for outgoing 5th graders within a budget approved by executive committee. Location and time must be approved by administration and school policy. (commitment is mid level)
RESTAURANT / SPIRIT NIGHTS – Recruits and maintains local restaurants and or businesses within our community to host a Carillon PTA event and donate a percentage back to the PTA. On a monthly basis, will host a restaurant and or spirit night, dates to be approved by the President. Attend skate night, McTeachers night, and provide a greeter at other events.
Provide a business letter and a personal confirmation two days prior to event with the business. Also, will send a personalized “Thank You” note to the participating business following the event.